I created ‘Comfortably Numb’ zine to showcase the Rock’N’Roll culture in Britain during the 1960s-80s

THE BRIEFWhile working on a student live client project with TSPTR, a clothing brand inspired by the history of counterculture, we were asked to produce a personalised zine inspired by the idea of ‘homegrown’, a nostalgic topic aimed to interest consumers to the subject.

APPROACHI decided to base my zine around 1960’s rock’n’roll, a genre and movement that’s always been close to my heart. For me, this represents my childhood, with a major nostalgic element being this. The music is always playing in my house and our walls are covered in the subcultures art, thanks to my family and their fantastic taste! 

The result was ‘Comfortably Numb’ a zine showcasing visuals and information around major bands in Britain in the 1960’s, aiming to expose consumers to this genre and bring the days back to life. 

To begin my research for this project, I looked into popular bands in 60’s rock who I have always loved, such as The Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac. I looked into their photo archives and created moodboards, getting inspired by the aesthetic and listening to their iconic tracks. I researched each bands extensive background and history of their time in the limelight, building my knowledge to write with. I loved this stage, as learning more about something I am passionate about struck my interests, allowing me to dive deep into the subculture.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENTTo develop this concept, I immersed myself into the subculture, allowing me to navigate the different avenues of the extensive subject. At first, I wanted to solely use my visual skills to create a beautifully laid out zine showcasing the days in all their glory, however, I decided if I wanted to attract new consumers to TSPTR and this area, then I should include writing and information, with QR codes and recommendations to bring the modern and interactive element to the publication. I also decided on a grungy and edgy aesthetic for this concept, therefore transporting the consumer back to this time to relive and experience the iconic era. 

OUTCOMEI wanted this zine to feel different, so I created many original images and backgrounds for the pages using adobe software, like the Pink Floyd album cover art, which is one of my favourite images I have created so far. I also included brief summaries and information on each band, my recommendations for their top songs along with a QR code to a Spotify playlist and lyrics from a specific song.

I used paper from GH Smith with a thick and textured touch to give it a homemade and DIY feel, linking back to zine subculture and their punk roots.

I am very proud with how this publication turned out as I feel it conveys my nostalgia in a unique and special way.

I thought if this zine was on a larger scale, it could be used to broaden individuals taste and exposure to new music. New editions could be made focusing on new genres, with introductions to seminal artists and reccomendations.

Lily Cole

SKILLSAdobe software