Live Client - ‘Fount of Joy’

I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of creating a campaign for Andrew Logan MBE as my final university live project. Andrew is an amazing, inspiring artist whose works have been featured all over the world and have recently been getting the appreciation and recognition they deserve in the modern fashion world through his recent collaboration with Stella McCartney. However, before this, Andrew has been heavily involved in the London art scene and even founded the iconic Miss Alternative World, a show celebrating transformation, creativity, age, gender, nationality and more!

‘Fount of Joy’ was created in response to a brief given to us by Andrew and his team himself. We were to create a campaign influencing young people to Andrews work in any way we wanted. The main focus of the campaign was to be as creative as we possibly could and invoke the most joy - Andrews main value behind his work.

THE APPROACH To begin this project, my team and I visited Andrews Museum of Sculpture in Berriew and met Andrew himself. Here we spoke about life and the experiences he has lived through. These extensive and elaborate stories amazed us so much that we knew how we would bring young people like us to his life and work - get his stories out there and demonstrate the influence Andrew has had on Britains art scene and subculture.
My teammates and I listened to countless hours of Andrews interviews, online videos, documentaries and read his biographies. Here, we found out more about Andrews life and his famous friends, such as the Sex Pistols first live show being at his apartment, and his close friendships with David Bowie, David Hockney and many other influential figures. 

The main aim of ‘Fount of Joy’ was to bring people through a journey of Andrew’s life, while getting them inspired and offering an opportunity to be creative themselves. To do this, we came up with 3 main ideas.


  1. ‘A Life In Materials’ This is a craft book full of things to use in any way the consumer wishes. The book is laid out with images and information from Andrews life integrated with these materials, and is a vessel for the consumer to learn and get inspired, with an easy way to be creative infont of them.  
  2. ‘A Voyage of Joy’ the video. I created a 2 minute video aimed to be a teaser to Andrews life by editing together clips from various videos and laying over audio from interviews and my own conversations with Andrew, to allow people to feel familiar to Andrew and feel his warm, kind aura he possesses. 
  3. ‘Fount of Joy - The Party!’ As Andrew is a party maker himself, we had to include a party thrown at his Museum of Sculpture in Berriew, inviting guests and consumers to come and see Andrews work in person, get inspired and create work of their own. 

MY PART TO PLAYIn this group project, my teammates and I all did research and concept development as a team, which allowed us to bounce off each other and bring our strengths to the table. Then, for the outcomes, we each created what we would be best at. I created the video ‘A Voyage of Joy’, showcasing my skills in film editing and development. I also illustrated all of the images for the mock ups of the party and for our presentation, showing my artistic talent and graphic ability. 

After we presented to Andrew and his team, he explained my film dedicated to him and his life made him feel ‘honoured’ and ‘emotional’, watching his lives work and experiences be appreciated and recognised in such a way. 

Lily Cole

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